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October 31, 2008

FINAL & BEST OF: dRUGwARLog (CU after the break;)

Antwerp, Belgium

31 October 2008


(CU after the break)



· Speech "The New Frontiers Of Harm Reduction" AIDS Mexico 2008

· Harm Reduction 2008, Milena Naydenova presents in the plenary session 'The Global State of Harm Reduction' (Barcelona May 12, 2008)

· Harm Reduction 2008: The Global State Of Drug User Activism

· January – June' 2008 INPUD ACTIVITIES REPORT

· INPUD Activities Report Juli 2007 - Januari 2008

· Dr. Peter Piot at HIV Human Rights Rally in Mexico-City

· Global Fund Director at HIV Human Rights Rally in Mexico-City

· Beyond2008 Civil Society Declaration and Resolutions

· Beyond2008 Regional Consultation Reports


· European Commission; Final Report on the EU Civil Society Forum on Drugs (13-14/12/2007)

· INPUD's reply to the EC's Mr. Carel Edwards affirmation on our exclusion from the Civil Society Forum on drugs

· INPUD and IHRA @ EU Civil Society Forum On Drugs (May 20-21 Brussels)

· Kiss My Space Ship!!!

· Speech of DU Activist Mr. Alik Zaripov, Russian civil society representative of people who use drugs (New York, June 10, 2008)

· Для немедленного распространения; ОOH: Репрессивная политика в области наркотиков подрывает усилия по профилактике и лечению ВИЧ/СПИДа

· Civil Society prepares for the High-Level Meeting on AIDS 2008

· Stijn Goossens talks to the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations

· June 11, 2008 Press Conference, UN Webcast with INPUD

· June 4 INPUD Board Communication

· INPUD Director Stijn Goossens Speaks at 51st session of CND(mp3 & SlideShow)

· Friday March 14: Latest Impressions from the CND in Vienna (10-14 March 2008)

· ND @ The CND

· Some more impressions from the CND

· Thursday March 13 at the CND in Vienna: ngo morning preparations for day 4

· More CND Impressions

· Wednesday March 12 at CND in Vienna: Coordinated Civil Society Approach

· Tuesday March 11, Ngo's teaming up for day 2 of the CND in Vienna

· Sunday March 9: Arrived in Vienna today (IHRA delegation for the CND)

· NGO Committee on Narcotic Drugs, Regional Consultation Budapest

· IT IS TIME / TIS TIJD (by Wannes)

· HardcoreDrugUseActivismMix

· Eve Ink SuperSpeed


· Antwerpenaren winnen gevecht tegen de vanzelfsprekendheid van 't Stad

· IDPC Alert - September 2008 (+Carel Edwards bonus!!!)

· Acknowledge the human rights abuses against people who use drugs

· OurEyes

· Recession/Depression: THE CRASH COURSE (How did we get here and what to do now???)

· Soros: The Crisis (PART 1,2,3)

· The worst market crisis in 60 years (George Soros)

· Body shaking experience: Morris Accident

· Breakline: Next Generation, New Stand (Harm Reduction Party Scene)

· Levis 501 met Vitalski

· Sun Set Knife

· Harm Reduction 2009 in Thailand. Do or Don't? (DrugReporter)

· INPUD Asia Pacific: The Goa Declaration

· INPUD Director Invited by UNAIDS for High-Level Meeting on AIDS

· Read Why Professor Luc Beaucourt Gets His Ass Kicked In Public Debate

· Report of the 1th N-American INPUD meeting in New Orleans (Dec. 8, 2007)

· Report on the European INPUD meeting at the Correlation Conference in Sofia.

· INPUD vs De Bilzen: actie – reactie

· Interesting Documents: Blank Strategy Chart

· August 7 - AIDS Mexico 2008 - Random

· August 6 - AIDS Mexico 2008 - Random

· August 4-5 - AIDS Mexico 2008 - Random

· August 3 - AIDS Mexico 2008 - Random

· August 2, DU-Congress prior to the AIDS 2008 Mexico Conference

· Gere Gedaan!

· Nederlanders, Gebakken Lucht, Zwitsers

· Aangifte...

· IndyMedia: Verboden actie; "Stop het Zwartschapen van Drugsgebruikers"

· INPUD: November 1st, International Drug Users Day (IDUD)

All Labels of ArtCoreFromTheHardCore:

"2" "60" 1 augustus 10 november 10daysOff 10DaysOff2007 1975 1981 19th ihrc 19th IHRC Barcelona 2001 a space odyssey 2005 2008 2008 HLM on AIDS 2008 June 10-11 3558 dead cops 5YK 7-8-9 80's a days work aangifte abl Access To Treatment accident actieplantdag activists adhd AIDS 2008 AIDS Mexico 2008 Alberto Alessandra Nilo alexander Alic Zaripov Alphabet Table amfetamine amgin-E amphetamine amsterdam analyse en commentaar anan pun andia efthimiou anetteVerster AntiSnobParty antistresspoweet Antonio Costa Antwerp Antwerp Dance Festival antwerpen antwerpen noord arnold schwarzenegger ArtCoreFromTheHardCore ArtCoreFromTheHardCoreBackgroundMilenaStijn2.JPG Article artshow ARV4IDUs Asia Asian Consultation Asian INPUD astrov ATV August 15 2007 August 3 August 4-5 august 6 August 7 australia B'HOOD Back From Hell Barack Obama barcelona belgisch leger belle Belly beyond Bijay Pandy bin ladin blackwater blog blok watch blood and honor boeh bope Borgerhout borgerio brazil breakline breakline Peer Support BreakTheChains Bridging the Gap British Budapest Building a Community Bulgaria bulgarian music Buprenorphine Babe bush Cadel Cafe Capital Call For Action Canada cannabis care Cccp B-day CEEHRN Champ Charly Rose CHIC Children and HIV chiro Chris Martenson Civil Society Hearing Civil Society Civil Society Involvment and AIDS Accountability Civil Society Task Force CivilSocietyTaskForce CJ Boland Club Petrol CND CND Vienna 2008 CNN cocaine Coitus interuptus cold war communisten community organizing conference conference abstracts and presentations conscienceplein converting vegetarians correlation Correlation-network Costa Coupé course CourtneyLove crack cracktitioner CUP Cyrillic Dagmar Hedrich DAK damien versele Dancing DanielWolf Danish Drug Users Union danny kushlick DaveWyndorf David Borden day off de bilzen de fixkes De Gebroeders de sint de sleutel dead kennedys dead penalty Debat debat battle Deborah Peterson Small december 2007 Declaration of commitment Depression Derby UK direct action Discrimination vs Rights dog DoingItOurSelves DPA Dr Luc Beaucourt Dr Piot Dr. Peter Piot DrAlexWodak drug drug consumption rooms DRUG COP KILLS WOMAN Drug User Activism Drug User Activists Drug User Magazines Drug User Organizing drug war Drug War Chronical drug war Iran Drug War Log Drug War Thailand DrugNew York DrugPersonality drugs DrugUsers DrugWar dRUGwARLog DU Congress Dutch Dynamic Duo E-Newsletter Eastern Europe EberhardSchatz eddy effective drug policies ElsVanWeert EMCDDA Eminem encod English EP eric castermans Erin O'Mara Ernst Buning Ethan Nadelmann EthanNadelmann etienne EU Civil Society Forum On Drugs EU Commission European conference European INPUD Eve evidence based EvidenceBase ex-chair TUP ExtreemRechts Fareed Zakaria February 2008 filip dewinter filip van de sande flikken head flyer fotoslider FP Magazine frank van hecke FrankVanDenBroucke Fredy freedom to farm frontaids Gary Cohen gayle san Gebakken Lucht gebruikersruimten George Soros GeorgeMichael gerolf annemans Gerry Stimson ginette girls video Global Fund Director GOA Goa Declaration goa rapport goossens Green Velvet Guide to Law and Human Rights GutBucketOrchestra hailand hair cut Hardcore hardcoreharmreducer hardcoreharmreducer cannabis TrektUwPlant Prosecuter harm harm production Harm Reduction Harm Reduction 2008 Harm Reduction 2009 Harm Reduction Party Scene HarmReduction harper HCLU Head Charge health Hearing Summary hepatitis Hepatitis C Hepatitis C Vandaag en Morgen HepC HepC Awareness heroine het meisje 2007 het meisje met de zwavelstokjes High level meeting on AIDS HIV HIV/AIDS Homeless Nation HOPE Howard Lotsof Howard Wooldridge HR2 HRC hugo hulpverlening human human rights Human Rights Rally humane drug policies I LOVE TECHNO i-base Ibogaine ICW IDPC IDPR Conference IDPR Conference 2007 IDU IDUD IDUD 2007 ief leterme IggyPop IHRA IHRA Delegation IHRA Newsletter IHRC IHRD iIDUD 2007 ik flik bangelijk iMexico-City inburgering Incarcerex india Infected Mushroom inpud INPUD AP INPUD Asia inpud radio 1 insite international drug policy consortium Iran issue 6 Ivo Thery january 2008 JeffLazarus JohnnyDepp jonkvrouwen Jowita June 2008 June 3 JUNKeLife kairoozie kapitein winokio Kasia Malinowski-Sempruch KateMoss Katrien katrijn keep the fait KeithRichards kinky Kiss My Space Ship kissing knife koningsplein koude oorlog kozze Latin-America Laundry Day Laxmi leap Legalization Legalize Leonardo Sanchez lex moolenaar Lima Ohio living room Ljubljana Loon Gangte Henminlun lorenzo LouisJones luc beaucourt lucca luiz Guanabara Macedonia Made In Thailand Madhatter maertens Man Having Sex With Man mandu Manipur IV League March 2008 marijuana Martine Tanghe Masia44 maslow matt curtis May 2008 media mix Men Having Sex With Men met vriendelijke groeten Methadone Man Metro Middle East Middle East and North Africa Harm Reduction Association mike trace MikeTrace Milena Milena en Stijn Milena Naydenova MilenaNaydenova Monday Night Live TV Show money monica deconinck Morolake Odetoyinbo morris moslima Mustafa my babe and I My Bike myspace N-American INPUD napalm death Narcomaniacs Narcotic Drugs Nederlanders never share new generation New Orleans new stand New York Newsletter Newsletter InterCambiando next generation ngo's nikki nile rogers North Africa North-American INPUD NoStress Success November 1st november 2007 offspring Ol`ga Belyaeva Old Zoo olga Open Society Institute opiate substitution programs organized crime Oscar OSI Othoman Mellouk Our eyes outragous over dose prevention patientenvereniging patrick janssens Peer Involvement and Outreach People Who Use Drugs People Who Use Drugs people with HIV-AIDS are innocent PeopleLivingWithHIV peoplewhousedrugs pirate dance Polak Poland police camera police chase Police raid political declaration on HIV/AIDS politie antwerpen portugal poster potgrond Prakash Goossens President General Assembly PresidentGeneralAssembly prikaccident Prison Prison Justice Day prisons profits prohibition prohibition kills prohibitionism prostitutie psy puppet doll Radio 2 Rakthi Dei reduction Regional Consultation Register relatine repression Resession Rhakti Dei 2007 rick lines ridders rights rights abuse robert Robert Carr RobinFew rolstoel Romano Ojiambo-Ochieng Row Your Boat rumen russia sam liebelt SamKhaldi Scattered schoonbroek scouts scum september 2007 september 2008 serge baeken set Sex Workers sexworkers sexworkers activism Shine Smoking Gear social integration sofia sofia conference Solidarity Project Some Background Some Time Ago Spanish drug user activists speed speedhead speedracer Spirit STAD Stanley Kubrick starlette stigma stign Stijn Stijn Goossens StijnGoossens stop preventable deaths and disease in prisons stop the drug war streetcornerwork Strobo Stuyvenberg ziekenhuis sun SuperSpeed Swat team SwedishUserActivists sweet kisses Sylvia de Rugama Symposium syringe Tamara tattoo Thai Drug Users Thailand the crash course The Death Penalty For Drug-Related Offences the elderly the global state of harm reduction The Manipur Network of Drug Users The New Frontiers Of Harm Reduction the users voice TheAdamsFamily TheUserIsTheExpert TomBarman tonny toolkit TOP 10 Search Words Toronto tracyswan Travel Restrictions trekt uw plant TrektUwPlant twin towers Ukranian DU Activist UN UNAIDS underground Undun UNGASS uniformed woman United Nations UnitedNations UNODC users Users Choice V5 verkiezingen2007 Victory Speech Vienna vienna 2008 VinceChrisostomo Violeta Ross vitalski vitalski TV Vito vivelafête vlaams belang vlastrov vlissingen VOCAL VOLT Volume 1 Number 1 wakker op zondag wallen WarOnDrugs weapons Whicked B-day WHO whores not wars Winnie Sseruma Woman Women and Girls Workplace Responses youthaids Yvonne Sibuea zarir ziekenhuis zilvermeer zoe zomer van antwerpen Zou ZouKhaldi ZS Zwitsers

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