June 2008 dRUGwARLog
June 2008 dRUGwARLog
For Immediate Release; UN: Harsh Drug Policies Undermine AIDS Prevention and Treatment
Antwerpenaren winnen gevecht tegen de vanzelfsprekendheid van 't Stad
Naciones Unidas: Políticas Represivas de Drogas socavan esfuerzos en la lucha contra el SIDA
Please endors: Tell the UN that good drug policy is good AIDS policy
Stijn Goossens talks to the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations
Coalition Calls for Elimination of Travel Restrictions for HIV-Positive Travelers
Thai Human Rights and AIDS Activists Speech Against Thai Drug War
New York Drug Users Union and INPUD Activists protest against the Thai drug war
Civil Society prepares for the High-Level Meeting on AIDS 2008
Civil Society Hearing: Loon Gangte Henminlun, Access to Treatment
Civil Societ Hearing: Romano Ojiambo-Ochieng, Workplace Responses
CS Hearing: Alessandra Nilo, Civil Society Involvment & AIDS Accountability
Sign on: Civil Society Letter to Countries that Impose Travel Restrictions
Tell the Thai Government: Stop the Drug War! Support Harm Reduction!
2008 IHRa Conference Barcelona, session on Eastern European DU Organizing
2008 High-Level Meeting on AIDS (HLM) Civil Society Participation Information Note
www.HarmReduction.be (DrugWarLog)
www.HarmReduction.eu (ArtCoreFromTheHardCore)